Northland Down Syndrome Support Group

Books and resources are listed below in alphabetical order. All are available to families, teachers, SENCOs and other school staff to borrow for a school term (or longer unless requested by someone else).
Email NorthlandDSSG@gmail.com with your requests, stating:
The title of each book or resource you would like to borrow
Your name, school, position, email address and telephone number.
We will send you a pre-paid pre-addressed envelope to return your book(s) in.
We also recommend:
Resources and training available from DownsEd International
Becoming a member of the IHC library who have many relevant resources for parents and teachers

A Reading and Language Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome Teachers Handbook (and DVD)
Kelly Burgoyne, Fiona Duff, Paula Clarke, Glynnis Smith, Sue Buckley, Margaret Snowling, Charles Hulme for Down Syndrome Education International
The Reading and Language Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome (RLI) is a teaching program designed to improve reading and language outcomes for children with Down syndrome. It supplements and supports regular teaching with daily one-to-one intervention sessions. The intervention sessions follow a consistent format within which instruction is carefully targeted to the individual student.

Accessing the Curriculum - Strategies for Differentiation for Pupils with Down Syndrome
Gillian Bird, Sandy Alton & Cecilie Mackinnon (Down Syndrome Education International)

Alpha to Omega
Beve Hornsby, Frula Shear, Julie Pool
Alpha to Omega offers vital help in teaching reading, writing and spelling to both adults and children with learning difficulties, including dyslexia.
The Alpha to Omega Teacher’s Handbook provides detailed lesson plans for each stage of the course. These are backed up with carefully devised exercises which take students step-by-step through the skills they are developing.

An Overview of the Development of Children with Down Syndrome (5 - 11 years)
Sue Buckley & Ben Sacks (Down Syndrome Education International)

Australasian Dictionary of Sign
Victorian School of Deaf
Second edition (1989)
Down Syndrome Society of South Australia Inc

Babies with Down Syndrome: A new parents' guide
Ed. Susan J Skallerup
Babies with Down Syndrome, the trustworthy guide which has benefited thousands of families since it was first published in 1985, is completely revised and updated in a new, third edition. Covering the best practices for raising and caring for children with Down syndrome through age five, this book is invaluable to new parents who have welcomed a baby with Down syndrome into their lives. This new edition incorporates the latest scientific, medical, educational research, and practical information available, as well as parents' suggestions and feedback. Existing chapters have been revised, some completely rewritten by new authors, and in keeping with its parent-friendly reputation, most of the book's contributors are parents of children with Down syndrome Chapters cover:
- What Is Down Syndrome?: A primer on the causes, characteristics, and diagnosis, including the latest information on genetics and prenatal testing;
- Adjusting to Your Baby: Advice from an experienced mother on coping with common emotions and announcing the news to friends and family;
- Medical Concerns & Treatments: An overview of possible health issues including celiac disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, reflux, and skin problems, with an emphasis on detecting signs early for needed treatment;
- Daily Care: The gamut of care from feeding to bathing, with expanded information about toilet training;
- Family Life: The impact on siblings and couples, discipline issues, and new material to help everyone understand that a child's behavior is a form of communication;
- Development & Learning: Expectations about development plus new material on variability in development, learning styles, using reading to develop language, memory strengths and weaknesses, and using play to encourage learning;
- Early Intervention: An overview of services and therapies for babies & toddlers with new information on the transdisciplinary approach, providing services in the natural environment, transitioning preschool, and common questions & answers;
- Legal Rights & Financial Issues: Explains your child's educational and legal rights, and financial information, including the latest on federal education and civil rights laws, sources of financial assistance, health insurance, trusts, and guardianship.
Full of new photos, parent statements, updated and expanded resources and reading lists,thisbuild everything parents need to build a bright and healthy future for their child with Down syndrome.

Be Good to Eddie Lee
Virginia Fleming
Christy's mother always tells her to be good to Eddie Lee, a neighborhood child with Down's Syndrome. But Christy wants to run and play -- and not worry about Eddie Lee tagging along. One hot summer day, though, Eddie Lee takes Christy to a secret place in the woods and teaches her that beautiful things can be found in unexpected places. Fiction starring a boy with Down syndrome. Recommended reading age 5-8 years.

Behaviour Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom
Beth Aune, Beth Burt, Peter Gennard
WHY won't he stay in his seat?
WHY does she flap her hands?
And WHAT should I do?
As inclusion becomes the norm in general education, teachers are faced with behaviors they have never seen before. Special needs educators may recognize the telltale symptom of a sensory need or a textbook case of an avoidance behavior, but this is all new territory for the General-Ed crowd!
Written by Director of Special Education Peter Gennaro, occupational therapist Beth Aune, and special needs mom and advocate Beth Burt, this book illuminates possible causes of those mysterious behaviors, and more importantly, provides solutions! Teachers can quickly look up an in-the-moment solution and learn about what the child is communicating, and why.
The authors collaboratively address problem behaviors such as: out-of-seat behaviors, fidgeting, hand-flapping, covering ears, hiding or running away when upset, putting head down or "shutting down", difficulty with class work and homework, losing materials and missing assignments, poor handwriting, not following directions, saying rude or inappropriate things, clothing issues, difficulty making decisions, excessive talking, laughing excessively or being silly, little or no eye contact, temper outbursts, and many others!
Teachers, it is possible to accommodate learning differences and sustain a positive learning environment for ALL students. This book is a must-have for every inclusive classroom!

More Behaviour Solutions In and Beyond the Inclusive Classroom
Beth Aune, Beth Burt, Peter Gennard
Now more than ever, states are mandating that children with special needs be included in the general education classroom. As a result, all educational professionals, from teachers to administrators, need specific training on how to handle unusual behaviors.
This book builds on the success of the first one by expanding the focus from within the classroom to all areas of the school environment--in the hallways, cafeteria, auditorium, on the playground, and in therapy sessions during the school day. See a particular behavior? Look it up!
Director of special education Peter Gennaro, occupational therapist Beth Aune, and special needs mom and advocate Beth Burt collectively address and solve problematic behaviors relating to:
Leaving the classroom without permission
Lack of focus in whole group instruction
Out-of-seat behavior
In-seat behavior
Difficulty completing independent work
Difficulty organizing materials
Classroom celebrations
Unsafe or inappropriate use of equipment
"Aggressive" behavior on the playground or during P.E.
Difficulty joining in group activities/isolating
Challenges with turn-taking
Being a poor sport
And many others!

Believing in Better: Steps to an ordinary life for your family member with a disability
Lorna Sullivan
There is no better time than now for you and your family member with a disability to start imagining and building a more fulfilling life. Believing in Better will help you to make that life a reality.
Believing in Better provides you with the tools and the encouragement you need to take the steps towards a more positive future for your family, from creating a vision and surrounding yourself with support, to dealing with legal and financial details. Each step is reinforced by practical worksheets and interspersed with real-life stories to inspire you.

Can I tell you about Down Syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals
Elizabeth Elliott
David invites readers aged 7+ to learn about Down syndrome from his perspective, helping them to understand what Down syndrome is and how it affects his daily life. He tells us why he sometimes needs extra help at home and at school, and describes the ways that those around him can help him to feel supported.

Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four Blocks Way
Karen Erickson & David Koppenhaver
Meet the learning needs and preferences of all students using Children with Disabilities: Reading and Writing the Four-Blocks(R) Way for students in grades 1-3. This 144-page book provides a glimpse into an inclusion special-education classroom that uses the Four-Blocks(R) Literacy Model. This wonderful collection of ideas, strategies, and resources includes information on Self-Selected Reading, Guided Reading, Writing, and Working with Words. It also includes strategies for reading and writing success in special-education classrooms, variations for students with disabilities, teacher's checklists, IEP goal suggestions, examples of assistive technology, and answers to commonly asked questions. The book supports the Four-Blocks(R) Literacy Model and provides a list of children's literature that can be used in lessons.

Children with Down's Syndrome: A guide for Teachers and Learning Support Assistants in Mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools
Stephanie Lorenz
This practical handbook offers advice on strategies for meeting the special educational needs of children with Down's syndrome in mainstream schools. The aim is to increase the confidence of support assistants, teachers, SENCOs and senior managers in both primary and secondary schools in providing a quality education for these pupils, while using scarce resources to best effect.
The author offers an introduction to the particular characteristics of children with Down's syndrome and their impact on learning and behaviour. She considers the benefits of inclusive education and the most effective ways in which the English National Curriculum can be made accessible. She also examines working with the whole-school, parents and outside agencies, as well as providing practical resources such as photocopiable proformas and checklists, materials for INSET in schools and support services and a list of reading materials.

Condition Critical - Key Principles for Equitable and Inclusive Education
Diana Lawrence-Brown & Mara Sapon-Shevin
This important book provides a unique merging of disability studies, critical multiculturalism, and social justice advocacy to develop both the knowledge base and the essential insights for implementing fully inclusive education. The authors expand the definition of inclusion to include students with a broad range of traditionally marginalized differences (including but not limited to disabilities, cultural/linguistic/racial background, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and class). Chapters provide 12 key principles important to developing a critical perspective toward educating diverse students.
Book Features:
Personal stories that make concepts accessible to new and pre-service teachers.
Application exercises ideal for courses and professional development workshops.
Highlight boxes that raise additional questions for discussion and debate.
Interactive, multimodal instructional activities to use with many kinds of learners.

Early Communication Skills for Children with Down Syndrome
Libby Kumin
Newly revised and updated, this compassionate and authoritative guide is based on Libby Kumin's thirty years of experience of working with children and adolescents with Down syndrome and their families. Dr Kumin draws on her vast experience to show parents how they can support and encourage their child's speech and language development from birth to age 6 (or when a child can form 2- to 3-word sentences). Parents and teachers learn how to work through characteristic challenges, including hearing loss, intelligibility issues, apraxia (difficulty planning oral-motor movements), or a slower pace of development. Families soon see that many children with Down syndrome are natural and willing communicators.
In a warm and conversational style, the author shares her professional expertise in parent-friendly terms. She uses specific examples of difficulties and successes to illustrate the concepts behind speech and language development, and includes the latest research supporting current early intervention and pre-school approaches that can be used at home and in schools.
This third edition features expanded information on the needs of children with apraxia, dual diagnosis of autism and Down syndrome, and updated terminology and information on special education law. An expanded chapter explains how technology and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) can help with speech and language, foster communication, and provide inexpensive transitional language systems.

Educating Learners with Down Syndrome: Research, theory, and practice with children and adolescents
Rhonda Faragher, Barbara Clarke
Aimed at researchers, teacher educators, higher degree students, and policy makers, this book is the first of its kind to provide a compendium of research on educating learners with Down syndrome.

Enabled Learning: Educating a student with Down Syndrome in a primary school environment
Down Syndrome Association of Queensland
'Enabled Learning', aims to provide comprehensive guidance for educators working with students with Down syndrome. It combines information, insights, research, practical strategies and ideas to help you expand your understanding and provide you with tools, ideas and resources that you can incorporate into your own educational context. It is our hope that this guide will inspire you to revolutionise the way you work with students with Down syndrome in order to maximise their educational outcomes. Topics include: Relationships & behaviour, Math, reading, writing, planning, classroom modifications, physical environment and use of visual supports.

Enabled Learning: Educating a student with Down Syndrome in a secondary school environment
Down Syndrome Association of Queensland
'Enabled Learning', aims to provide comprehensive guidance for educators working with students with Down syndrome. It combines information, insights, research, practical strategies and ideas to help you expand your understanding and provide you with tools, ideas and resources that you can incorporate into your own educational context. It is our hope that this guide will inspire you to revolutionise the way you work with students with Down syndrome in order to maximise their educational outcomes. Topics include: Relationships & behaviour, Math, reading, writing, planning, classroom modifications, physical environment and use of visual supports.

Four Go Flatting
Disability Connect, Commissioned by Ministry of Health
This handbook is based on the experiences of four families who set up a flat for their adult children, all living with an intellectual disability. It is a detailed account of the milestones and obstacles they encountered in their quest to create a vibrant, safe and happy living environment best suited to their whanau/family members.
You can now access the videos online via Attitude Live’s website

Greater Expectations: Living with Down syndrome in the 21st century
Jan Gothard
Based on more than 60 personal interviews and supported by scholarly research, this book shows the varied attitudes and approaches that make up the rich experience of living with disability in a changing society. Covering Down syndrome from conception to old age, this historical analysis touches upon a variety of themes, including education, friendship, health, recreation, sexuality, employment, and independence. This moving, partly autobiographical account is a must read for all parents, teachers, health professionals, and policy makers who make choices that affect people with disabilities.

Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome - A Guide for Parents and Professionals
Patricia C Winders
This thoroughly updated second edition is a cornerstone of Woodbine House's Down syndrome collection and an essential resource for thousands of parents and professionals.
In parent-friendly language, the author explains the many physiological reasons that children with Down syndrome experience delays in their gross motor development and presents a physical therapy treatment plan from birth to age 6. Over 400 photos accompany step-by-step instructions to help readers assess a child's gross motor readiness and teach skills for head control, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, using stairs, running, kicking, jumping, and riding a tricycle.

Inclusion Strategies for Secondary Classrooms: Keys for Struggling Learners
M C Gore
The author provides educators with sixty-six keys to help middle and secondary school students with disabilities succeed.

Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success. A practical guide for all educators who teach students with disabilities
Peggy A Hammeken
This resource covers various areas of inclusive education, from program implementation to working with colleagues, and includes hundreds of practical, teacher-tested adaptations and modifications, plus reproducible forms.

Living with Down syndrome
Sue Buckley
People with Down syndrome, whatever their age, are people first. They are people with abilities, strengths and weaknesses like everyone else. They may have additional needs but first they have the same needs as everyone else of their age group. The quality of health care, education and community support provided to children and adults with Down syndrome makes a real difference to their progress throughout life. This module provides an introduction to all the issues that need to be addressed to enable individuals with Down syndrome, and their families, to enjoy full and happy lives within their communities. It offers an overview of the development of individuals with Down syndrome from infancy to adult life. It also provides a summary of the causes of Down syndrome, the incidence and prevalence of the condition, life expectancy and associated education and health care needs. Further modules in this series address each of these issues in detail.

Makaton - Sign Illustrations for Makaton Core Vocabulary
New Zealand Version 1998/99

Memory Development for Individuals with Down Syndrome
Sue Buckley & Gillian Bird (Down Syndrome Education International)

My Friend Has Down Syndrome
Jennifer Moore-Mallinos, Marta Fabrega
The sensitively written Let's Talk About It Books encourage preschool-age and early-grades children to explore their feelings, deal with problems that trouble them, and understand others who have problems of their own. Each title speaks to a particular concern that children might encounter in the course of growing up. A short section at the back of each book offers related advice to parents. My Friend Has Down Syndrome explores this common chromosomal condition from a child's perspective. Younger children may be confused and have many questions when they encounter kids who have Down syndrome. Here, in this reassuring story, two children, one with Down syndrome and one without, learn that they are both good at different things and that by helping each other overcome their fears and difficulties they can accomplish a great deal together.

Number Skills for Children with Down Syndrome - An Overview
Gillian Bird & Sue Buckley (Down Syndrome Education International)

Number Skills for Children with Down Syndrome (5 - 11 years)
Gillian Bird & Sue Buckley (Down Syndrome Education International)

Reading and Writing for Individuals with Down Syndrome - An Overview
Sue Buckley (Down Syndrome Education International)

Reading and Writing for Children with Down Syndrome (5 - 11 years)
Gillian Bird, Jane Beadman & Sue Buckley (Down Syndrome Education International)

Reading OUR Way - Visual Literacy Programme and Resources
Down Syndrome Association of Queensland
Reading Our Way is an innovative reading program that has been designed to teach early reading and word recognition to both children and adults
The all-inclusive program teaches sight words through fun, interactive and engaging activities, with everything that is needed to implement the program included in the kit.
Reading Our Way is designed for all ages putting practical solutions in the hands of teachers and parents who want to share the benefits of reading with their child or student, from pre-school age to adult. At each stage of development, the Reading Our Way kit is designed to help you teach reading at the pace of the individual with all the tools you need to help whole word recognition techniques transform the educational opportunities available. Research has shown that people with Down syndrome have strong visual memory skills, and therefore will benefit to learn to read using the whole-word approach. The program has been developed by the Down Syndrome Association of Queensland, based on the latest research into reading instruction and the learning profile of people with Down syndrome.

Speech and Language Development for Individuals with Down Syndrome - An Overview
Sue Buckley (Down Syndrome Education International)

Speech and Language Development for Children with Down Syndrome (5 - 11 years)
Sue Buckley & Gillian Bird (Down Syndrome Education International)

Supporting Children with Down Syndrome in Primary School
Down Syndrome Ireland

Supporting Children With Down's Syndrome
Lisa Bentley, Ruth Dance, Elizabeth Morling, Susan Miller, Susan Wong
This practical resource contains a wealth of valuable advice and tried-and-tested strategies for supporting children and young people with Down’s Syndrome. Fully updated with the 2014 SEND Code of Practice, this text describes the different types of difficulties experienced by pupils with Down’s Syndrome and helps practitioners to understand their diverse needs.
The wide-ranging chapters explore a variety of topics, including:
- Defining the profile of a pupil with Down’s Syndrome
Guidelines for working with pupils
Addressing behaviour issues
The use of ICT
Home/school liason
It provides guidance and practical strategies for SENCOs, teachers and other professionals and parents, helping them to feel more confident, and be more effective in supporting learners in a variety of settings. It also provides materials for in-house training sessions, and features useful checklists, templates and photocopiable resources.

Supporting the Student with Down Syndrome in Your Classroom - Educator Manual
Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan
Can be downloaded from here: https://dsawm.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/2014-Educator-Manual.pdf

Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about the Bodies, Boundaries and sexuality
Terri Couwenhoven
Parents of children with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities are accustomed to paying close attention to their child's physical, cognitive, and emotional development. This proactive approach should also include their child's sexual development, which for many parents may not seem as obvious or urgent, especially to those with young children. Drawing on her unique background as both a sexual educator and mother of a child with Down syndrome, the author blends factual information and practical ideas for teaching children with Down syndrome about their bodies, puberty, and sexuality. This book gives parents the confidence to speak comfortably about these sometimes difficult subjects. In an easy-to-read, non-clinical style, the book covers relevant issues and concerns for children of all ages, such as: Labelling & explaining private body parts; Identifying & expressing emotions; Respecting personal space; Teaching self-care & hygiene; Understanding norms of privacy; Understanding gender identity; Showing appropriate levels of affection. It also covers later issues that affect teenagers and young adults, including: Anticipating and understanding puberty; Dealing with periods, bras for girls; Experiencing erections, wet dreams for boys; Relating to the opposite sex; Sharing parental values about sexuality; Explaining sexual relationships; Preventing sexual abuse; Understanding how Down syndrome affects puberty & fertility rates. Each chapter highlights important points with key messages, teaching activities, parental pauses, and anecdotes, all of which prompt readers to stop and consider concepts or values associated with a particular topic. The final chapter covers the special concerns of parents who are now teaching teenaged or adult children about sexuality for the first time. It concludes with extensive appendices containing invaluable teaching materials and illustrations of body parts and functions.

Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and other Hands-On Learners: Strategies and Materials
DeAnna Horstmeier
Children and adults with Down syndrome need maths for the real world -- counting with meaning, adding the scores in a game, and tracking time in order to keep to a schedule. Written in a straightforward and user-friendly style, the new second edition provides strategies and activities that are relevant to daily living, are concrete and practical, offer hands-on practice, and are challenging without being frustrating. It covers: Prenumber Concepts; Counting. Recognition & Writing of Numbers; Time & Measurement; Money; Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division; Fractions; Calculator Use. The book is filled with over 150 activities -- worksheets, games, and teaching aids -- to practice maths skills, and can be photocopied. Parents and teachers can use the comprehensive coverage of maths concepts to tailor lessons to students needs at home and in the community, incorporate goals into IEPs, and help students access the general education curriculum.

Teaching Reading to Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Patricia Logan Oelwein
Reading is an essential, enriching, and attainable skill for children with Down syndrome. This guide presents a nationally recognized reading program for children with Down syndrome that can be used to effectively meet a child's unique learning needs and style.
The reading method and lessons presented here are specifically designed to be motivating, fun, and rewarding. Filled with sample flash cards, games, charts, and recommended story books, the program emphasizes the visual learning style typical of most children with Down syndrome. Parents can customize lessons to capture their child's interest and set the learning pace to a level for greatest success.
This step-by-step guide to reading allows parents to work with their child at home and helps them coordinate reading lessons with teachers, ensuring the continuity of their child's education year after year. Now includes a CD-ROM of all the visual supports. Print out the Appendices, picture and word cards, lotto games, charts, and more, as often as you need.

The Birds and the Bees: How to talk to your young child about bodies, birth and sex
Genelle Gordon
Guide book for parents to explain sexuality issues to their young children. Enables parents to answer awkward questions simply and clearly, give the right amount of information for their child's age, protect their child from abuse and help their child to form positive attitudes towards sexuality, body image and gender identity. Includes bibliography and list of useful contacts. Author has more than 15 years experience as a sex educator and counsellor. She has raised three children.

The Down Syndrome Transition Handbook: Charting your child's course to adulthood
Jo Ann Simons
The Down Syndrome Transition Handbook helps parents prepare their child for independent adult life. It's full of practical tips and step-by-step instructions to help families envision their child's future, develop a transition plan, and implement it. There's also a wealth of information about adults in their twenties or thirties living at home who are still struggling with finding a job, locating housing, or establishing a meaningful life in their community, and who could achieve more independence with the right guidance and supports.
The book is the culmination of the author's professional and personal experiences guiding hundreds of families through the transition process, and parenting her own son with Down syndrome, now an adult living independently. Its conversational style reassures parents overwhelmed by a complex process and its frank advice offers a reality check for parents whose child will soon venture into the adult world, or whose adult child has yet to leave the nest.
The Down Syndrome Transition Handbook outlines the steps of transitioning, with an emphasis on the necessity of the child playing an active role in the process. It considers everything families need to know--from meeting broad, basic needs such as finding meaningful ways to fill one's days (work, volunteering, leisure activities, training & education, exercise) and how to get around (driving vs. using public transportation) to addressing specific needs such as whether to leave high school at age 21 or earlier and how to maintain eligibility for benefits by keeping income and assets within allowable limits.
Chapters address: High School; Postsecondary Options; Testing; Residential Options; Work & other Endeavors; Transportation; Health; Family & Friends; Legal Issues; Financial Issues; and Technology. Families will want this one-stop resource to demystify the transition process for teens and young adults and to help older adults still at home become more independent.

The Politics of Down Syndrome
Kieron Smith
Are we a more accepting society than ever before? Is there no longer a them and us division between the disabled and everybody else? The Politics of Down Syndrome looks at how we got to where we are today, from the racist roots of its identification to the rising number of abortions today. Down syndrome is the most common syndrome in the world, shared by all classes and races, yet it's one we rarely address our feelings about, head on. This book, although direct and questioning, takes a positive view about where we go from here and the opportunity for society to fully enjoy the benefits of being inclusive.

Trisomy 21: What we can learn from people with Down syndrome
Andre Frank Zimpel
For a long time, it was assumed that a genetic disposition such as trisomy 21 enables predictions to be made about overall personality development. But, who could have ever imagined that people with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) would also be capable of earning a university degree? We studied 1,294 people with trisomy 21. The results showed that people with trisomy 21 benefit more from abstract learning than their neurotypical counterparts. Two-year-olds with the syndrome first learn to read and only then to speak and will understand algebra better than arithmetic. Ignorance of neurodiversity inevitably leads to learning difficulties when these people are forced to learn at the same pace as others. This applies to autism and trisomy 21 to the same extent. That is why this book advocates the recognition of trisomy 21 as a variant in the spectrum of human neurodiversity.

The SENCo Handbook: Leading and Managing a Whole School Approach
Elizabeth Crowne, Carol Frankl, Liz Gerschel
This sixth edition of the best-selling SENCo Handbook has been extensively updated to take account of the SEND Code of Practice (2014), recent research, and implications for policy and practice in schools and for SENCos. It provides vital information, practical approaches to the SENCo role and responsibilities, and perceptive analysis of issues, relevant to all schools, early years settings and colleges. Debating and discussing how the SENCo role has changed and will change, this book will help all SENCos, headteachers and school leaders to create and implement effective whole-school policy and practice for special educational needs.
Key topics include:
leading and managing change in SEN policy and practice
building the capacity of class and subject teachers to meet the needs of pupils
managing the graduated response for those with identified additional needs
tracking and recording progress
developing whole-school approaches to policy and practice for those with SEND
the deployment and management of support staff
working with children, young people and their parents
working in partnership with a range of outside agencies and services
Photocopiable training materials are included, as well as source lists for further reading and information. The SENCo Handbook is essential reading for those studying for the National Award for SEN Co-ordination, whilst more experienced SENCos will value its academic underpinning and common-sense on issues that matter.

Turn the Page With Me (DVD)
A guide for parents and caregivers to the importance of reading together as a foundation for literacy and approaches to take with infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers with Down syndrome.

Whole Child Reading: A Quick Start Guide to Teaching Students with Down Syndrome and Other Developmental Delays
Natalie Hale
Discover the keys to teaching children and adults with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities how to read for meaning. Written for today's busy parents and teachers, this easy-to-use guide explains how to "go in through the heart" to hook beginning and struggling readers with high-interest, individualized materials'flashcards, personal books, and modified trade books. The simple strategies described are designed to "teach to the brain" and are based on research about how we learn most easily and naturally.
The methods in the book can be adapted for learners of any age who are reading at a third grade level or below. One of the main strategies is "Fast Flash," which involves making flash cards of the words the child is learning and then showing them to him or her as quickly as possible. Another strategy is "Sandwich Style," a motivating method of alternating fun reading activities with less-fun, but equally important ones.

Working With Hannah: a special girl in a mainstream school
Liz Wise, Chris Glass
Working with Hannah is a unique and detailed snapshot of the first years of schooling for a child with Down's Syndrome and severe mobility and communication problems. Written by two classroom assistants, who supported Hannah during her two and a half years in a mainstream infant school, this book shows how the right level of support can make inclusion a success not only for the child and family but also for the school itself. This practical guide describes the 'hands on' approach of Hannah's day-to-day management in a busy school. Topics covered include:
*finding a school
*how the school prepares
*adapting the curriculum
*recognising the importance of friendship
*incorporating therapies into the school day
*additional aspects of personal and, physical care
*setting up communication systems.
There are key points at the end of chapters, which highlight the salient aspects and offer practical advice.

Your Baby's Health