Northland Down Syndrome Support Group
Information and Resources for Schools
While every child with Down syndrome is different -- just as we are all different -- there is a significant body of research that suggests that there are common characteristics of learners with Down syndrome.
This learning profile can be summarised as follows:
General Strengths of Learners with Down Syndrome
Visual, spatial, and kinaesthetic skills, giving the ability to:
Use gesture, sign and symbols effectively
Learn and use the written word (reading and writing)
Learn from demonstration and visual resources
Learn using practical hands-on activities
Copy behaviours and attitudes of peers and adults
Social skills:
Good humour and likeability
Desire to communicate and participate
Emulation and aspiration, driven by peers
Developing learning avoidance strategies!
General Areas of Challenge for Learners with Down Syndrome
Delayed and impaired cognitive functioning
Delayed fine and gross motor skills
Hearing and visual impairment
Delayed and impaired speech and language
Difficulties with short term auditory memory
Shorter concentration span
Difficulties with consolidation and retention
Difficulties with generalisation, sequencing, and reasoning
Feel failure very strongly, leading to easily giving up and losing self-esteem
To support schools working with learners with Down syndrome, we offer the following services:
Books and resources for loan to teachers, teacher aides, SENCOs, and school leaders - both primary and secondary
Reading programmes designed specifically for learners with Down syndrome available on loan
Numicon kits (on loan) and annual Numicon training days free of charge for schools with learners with Down syndrome
Individualised support and advice for school staff working with learners with Down syndrome from our School Liaison Officer
For more information, please contact Jo Morrison on 0210 822 4584 or